
Presentation Team

Phase two

Present the HSe Web App Opportunity to Top U.S. Publicly Traded Corporations
Parents and HSe volunteers valiantly attempted this task but were not equipped with the expertise required.

Now, a specialized presentation team approved by HSe4Metrics will step in. 

The Ideal Presentation Team Can Include Industry Analysts
Specialists may be needed to analyze metrics specific to a potential sponsor and its industry, an aspect of marketing strategy, systems, information engineering, complexity, or legal.

Assist the Potential Sponsor with its Due Diligence
A publicly traded corporation is in business to make money for its stockholders.  The presentation team will focus on the value of the HSe Web App to the potential Sponsor as a marketing strategy and will assist with due diligence.

Liaise with Sponsor During Further Steps
The presentation team will tailor their delivery from one potential sponsor to the next in response to the needs of the potential sponsor.  Once a sponsor is on board, the team will continue to interface with the sponsor as needed.

The HSe Web App functions as an elegant corporate marketing strategy and a game-changer for national K-12 results 

To Learn More, Contact Us to Schedule a Meeting

  • The HSe web app offers what the nation wants: substantial, systematic hard-number improvements in K-12 metrics results, and support for K-12 students, younger children, parents, and the nation’s teachers.
  • Cost-effective marketing: Juxtapose the cost of the HSe web app sponsorship with a particular corporation that spent a similar amount of marketing dollars during the 2020 Super Bowl.  Six minutes of ads (in ad time alone) for approximately $60 million. 

The Benefits of the HSe Web App Opportunity

           The pre-launch promotion justifies sponsorship.  The excitement and national anticipation by the American public leading up to the HSe web app’s launch may equal the impact of the six Super Bowl minutes. 

           Year one benefits for the public:  The public will experience ongoing human interest stories and news events tied to the HSe Web App, perhaps live reports of students at a socioeconomically challenged school demonstrating their spellbinding contribution to space exploration, or a hot off the press miraculous new record for a stubborn K-12 metric.

           Year one benefits for parents:  As their children benefit from the HSe Web App, the nation’s parents and guardians will continuously receive reminders of the sponsor.  

           Year one benefits for K-12 students and younger:  Young people, too, will have constant contact to the Sponsor’s name or reference is substituted for HSe in the Web App name.

           Beyond year one:  The sponsorship agreement may be renewable for increased benefits to both parties.

           Beyond K-12, the figurative big bang residual:  For decades beyond their K-12 years, the former HSe web app demographic may favor the sponsor, its products and services.

For a Fortune 500 Firm, Consider the Following: 

  • Are we open to innovation in marketing?
  • Can a C corp seize the day with B corp-like character?
  • Are we number one in our field?  Are we at minimum in second place?
  • Are we in danger of losing our position?
  • What can we do to increase significant growth and standard disclosure cash flow?
  • Can we agree on a goal of 200% growth in two years?
  • How are we doing morally and ethically?  What does the public think?
  • How are we doing with corporate social responsibility?  What does the federal government think?
  • Does our CSR history match the scope of our national ranking and who we are?
  • How can we attract the brightest and best employees?
  • How important is legacy?  Will legacy be important to employees as they retire?

To Fund Phase Two’s Presentation Team:

  • Funding for the presentation team may come from the community, or from phase one.
  • To expedite the process of funding the presentation team, a potential Sponsor itself may seek to fund the presentation team directly.

Alternative Pathway for Funding for Phase Two:

A marketing agency seeking a new client or seeking to present a new marketing strategy to an existing client may choose to field its initial presentation costs.