
A Participating College

Phase one

Will help a small college

Our limited crowdfunding campaign run by a participating college will be Phase One.  The proceeds from Phase One will be used to assemble and fund Phase Two’s presentation team.  Neither Phase Two nor Phase Three will require the participating college’s involvement.

Payments to the Participating College Agreement (the PPCA)
The presentation team will reach out to the nation’s top-ranking publicly traded corporations.  Most may view the HSe web app as both a societal good and a marketing strategy.  One sponsor will be accepted.  Determination of ongoing payments to the participating college will be a function of the PPCA.  

The Participating College’s Costs and Funding
Payments to the participating college may be used however the college may choose, such as for the following:

  • Endowment fund
  • Operations
  • Capital improvements
  • Salaries
  • Pension plans
  • Programs
  • Student financial assistance
  • Scholarships

College Applications May Increase Due to the HSe Web App
As addressed by the HSe web app, the participating college will become personally known to K-12 students regionally and nationally.  Such an evolving, expanding level of awareness by K-12 students may translate to record levels of applications to the institution.

Four Reasons to Get Involved with HSe4Metrics

  • Be part of the curating of student talents in this national K-12 endeavor.
  • Allow innate genius to reveal itself in the next generation of students.
  • Create fond memories for your students involved with HSe4Metrics’s Web App.
  • Make your institution a household name that becomes nationally—even internationally—recognized.

If Seeking to Be Selected, Please Prepare Plans for the Following:

  • A national crowdfunding campaign: a function of student creativity and talent, no prior experience requirement.
  • An internal fundraising campaign that primarily appeals to the college itself—being its student body, alumni, and related supporters.

Alternate Pathways for Phase One

A college administration that already has potential sponsors in mind may contact them directly, thus bypassing the crowdfunding campaign process.