
K-12 Students and Younger

Free-acess HSe Web App

Infancy through Pre-K

To prepare a child for K-12, it is essential to include infancy and every year before kindergarten.  Every parent, guardian, center-based- and home-based childcare or caregiver should have free access to the HSe web app.

Kindergarten through Middle School

The HSe web app process will engender self-motivation and empower students to take initiative, study hard, and excel beyond previous metrics of past generations.

High School

Waiting until the first week of high school to prepare for high school is a bit late, perhaps by 11 to 14 years!  The HSe demographic has the basic human right to be academically prepared for day one of high school.

After High School

Waiting until college applications to choose a post-high school direction may lead to a lifetime of misdirection, misuse of debt, and a human resource tragedy.  Moreover, one’s post-K-12 years will be profoundly affected by the K-12 years and before.

Access to the HSe Web App Must Be Free.