
Mr. Jamie Dimon has set the bar

Click here to see Mr. Dimon’s letter to shareholders.

Jamie Dimon, the superstar chairman of JPMorgan & Co., notes in a report to shareholders that his firm (but no doubt him, him as leader) committed $30 billion “over the next five years” to a K-12-related innovation. 

His motivation for the effort seems to be selfless and societal, a reputation that may have benefited JPMorgan, seeming overnight, during 2023’s first quarter, as the Fed defused the SVB crisis, calling on Mr. Dimon.

In his letter to shareholders, Mr. Dimon implores corporate America to weigh in with societal innovations of their own, presumably in keeping with their staggering financial success and ability.  Further, in making such efforts, he implores corporate leaders themselves not to let analysts dissuade them due to the “uncertainty of things” and unknown outcomes of innovation. 

There is an opportunity for top-ranking, publicly-traded corporations to sponsor the HSe web app platform, an innovation that stands to be of societal good, yet positioned to double as a profound marketing strategy for almost any Fortune 500: from Hershey’s to IBM to General Motors. Even a highly commoditized product such as automobiles may brilliantly benefit from sponsorship.

Guided by a top marketing agency, the HSe web app and its sponsor may be mentioned tens of millions of times every day as the sponsorship becomes a differentiator—a boon for shareholders .

Only one sponsor is needed. Will your corporation be the next to follow in Dimon’s footsteps?