
HSe Web App Intro

Transforming K-12 Education Results in
the U.S.

Access Must be Free

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Four of the top reasons for immediate HSe Web App implementation:

  1. The potential for early brain development is profound,
  2. Solving the bottom-half tragedy of the Nation’s Report Card,
  3. Top students also require the web app,
  4. “Students in the middle desperately need it.”

No matter how well the U.S. education system and its heroic teachers may perform, parents and students must do their part, which is a key goal of the HSe web app.

Every demographic needs the HSe web app

image of toddler

Half of all graduating high schoolers in the U.S. fail to reach the minimum proficiency level on the National Assessment of Educational Progress.  NAEP (rhymes with cape) is also described as the “Nation’s Report Card.”  Consistent with those devastating results, our young people rank low on international tests. Also, our top students fare poorly compared to their international counterparts.  This has been the status quo for decades.

To change that ongoing disaster, HSe volunteers and parents prioritize the implementation of the HSe website application.

The HSe web app transforms the productivity of K-12 education in the U.S.

The focus of the HSe web app is not just the K-12 years.  The genesis of the education and wealth divide may be years far earlier than K-12.  As early as two, children can face socioeconomic disadvantages due to lack of access to resources like the Hse Web App.

Implementation as Early as Possible in a Child’s Life

A precious little girl pouting, looking sad. It's easy to visualize her thriving on the HSe web app beginning well before K-12

The HSe demographic is from the time of birth until high school graduation day.  Since the HSe web app stands to dramatically lift the performance of young people and their horizons—for the whole of the HSe demographic—then it’s time to launch it.

Otherwise, young people who are struggling with math and reading in middle school will not be prepared for math and reading in high school.  If a student is at-risk and struggling in the eighth grade in math and reading, that student was likely struggling in the seventh.  Unfortunately, this inequity may have developed in their early childhood.

Unorganized support for the HSe web app has been wonderful, but our subtle influence is easy to ignore.  Yet, there is widespread public support to improve education for young students, from teachers to parents to advocates like HSe.

Reading and STEM

A mother comforting her young son, as if hoping the for best for his future.

Young people far behind their counterparts in the fundamentals due to an unfair disadvantage in learning to read—and in their ability to learn from what they read, also known as the context gap. 

The “Reader’s Icon”:  For all ages, the HSe Web App will include the HSe Reader’s Icon, built to entertain and transform the non-reader into a reader.  This extraordinary process will be one on one, personal, and for older non-readers, too.

Guided by a non-linear approach to work with the HSe demographic, the HSe Web App will stand to enhance a young person’s perception of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, as well as the arts. 

Newly Accessible Tool for the Remarkable U.S. Education System Can Rescue Students at the Bottom

Arguably, the U.S. K-12 education system may already be the best in the world.  That is, ceteris paribus, “other thing being equal.” Simply factor in the towering demands on the U.S. K-12 system, due to the brilliant diversity of the nation’s young people, and the size of the U.S. population and GDP.

In a perception-based poll in 2020 and again in 2021 (see “The Big Picture” heading, below), the U.S. was ranked by other nations as the best country for education.  Fascinating is that the ranking is despite approximately half of all U.S. high school graduates failing to reach minimum NAEP proficiency in reading, writing, and arithmetic.

Unlike the U.S., most of the countries that rank higher than the U.S. in K-12 in international testing are relatively homogeneous in culture.  Conversely, they understand that the U.S. is a beacon to the world for all cultures, which is ultimately the strength of the U.S. 

  • They also understand that the massive (deceptively capable) K-12 system in the U.S. is mandated by U.S. law and U.S. social principle to serve all young people without prejudice, regardless of diverse background and socioeconomic status.
  • Other nations may sense that if their own countries’ K-12 education systems were tasked to equally serve the inclusive student mix welcomed in the U.S., their international placement might dramatically plummet, and their K-12 systems struggle to function.

Both rhetorically and logically, the view of the countries polled may reflect that the heartbreaking U.S. student “nonperforming” cohort below NAEP proficiency standards is a separate issue unsolveable by any K-12 system. HSe disagrees.

    • Regardless of such a view, there is a tool for the U.S. to lift this historically nonperforming cohort to proficiency, thus unlocking the potential for equitable benefit to all students and families.
    • Ironically, the means to facilitate this societal action, the HSe web app, remains unfunded.

The spectacular potential upside.  Visualize the dramatic socioeconomic and societal benefit to the U.S. by transforming this vast, struggling set of young people to achieve greater proficiency.

Students not at proficiency: To the extent that the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) is correct that only 12% of U.S. high schoolers do not graduate from high school in four years, can it be assumed that the graduating 88%, each with a diploma in hand, is competent at reading, writing, and arithmetic? Actually, no. NAEP results tell us that roughly half of our nation’s high school graduates fail to reach the minimum proficiency level in reading, writing, arithmetic, and the other categories assessed. With the implementation of the HSe web app, the 50% realm can be shattered by sustained multipoint jumps from one NAEP assessment to the next, each iteration benefitting more K-12 students.

  • Students at proficiency: Even those at a proficiency level, upon receiving a high school diploma, have not had the benefit of the HSe web app experience during K-12 and the critical years from infancy to pre-kindergarten. Not only have they missed the opportunity to be inspired by personal latent abilities and talent but also upon graduation, they will be at risk of being bound off in ill-suited and random directions; thus putting at risk a more satisfying life and perhaps greater personal productivity.

Acting independently, the HSe web app will create no additional burden for the already-remarkable U.S. K-12 education system.

Fully Independent of Public and Private Schools

A baby sleeping in mother's arms. Even the youngest of children, at the HSe web app with a parent or guardian, stand to profoundly benefit.

The HSe web app is not a school and will not compete with schools.

The HSe web app’s mission will be to leverage K-12 results, regardless of the diverse public and private school options in the U.S.

The HSe web app will serve the HSe demographic—the nation’s young people from the time of infancy until graduation from high school—and will involve parents.

Parents and teachers need help.  A teacher meeting a student on day one of kindergarten has had nothing to do with whether that child is prepared, a reality that repeats with every school year thereafter.

There must no longer be the tragedy of struggling students, the have-nots, struggling for years in classrooms with the haves.  The HSe web app process will independently serve to leverage the hard-number metrics results of K-12 education.

Self-Motivation Discovered at the HSe Web App

image of someone writing a wide variety of math and otheran image of someone writing formulas on a board, formulas that benefit from a student having an interest in studying and learning

Every year in the U.S., top-decile high schoolers join the nation’s newest wave of high school seniors receiving a diploma.  Graduating alongside them are those who failed to reach minimum proficiency on NAEP.

None of these students have had the advantage of the HSe web app during their years in K-12 or before.

The HSe web app experience brings the logic of deeper levels of self-motivation and benefits for top-decile students, yes, and for every other student as well.

The HSe web app will be a path for a more powerful K-12 performance for every young person, with the promise of more judicious K-12 outcomes for all.

Otherwise-struggling students may climb, leap, or grind to greater performance—some to the top decile.

Inclusion, Scale, and Fun Are Key Determinants

What may be fun and compelling to one child may be drudgery to the next.  Caveat:  Don’t be distracted when you are told that a particular “learning” website is terrific.  Instead, look at the numbers:  If 99.999% of the nation’s young people avoid a website because they don’t like it, then arguably it is all but useless to that 99.999%.

Scale and subgroups:  The HSe web app will scale to any number and appeal to every childSimultaneously, tens of millions of other K-12 students, as well as the youngest of children with their parents, at any moment can be elsewhere in the expanse of the HSe web app.  Thus the web app will be engineered to bring concentrated focus to every student cohort and subgroup. For example, less than three percent of Latinas pursue STEM in college.

The Big Picture

According to the U.S. News & World Report, in a perception-based ranking, the United States was named The Best Country in the World for Education.”

Powering that system may arguably be the finest K-12 education system and teachers on the planet. However, there is a profound disconnect: Half or more of our nation’s high school graduates cannot read or write at the minimum proficiency standard of NAEP assessments.

For our young people progressing through their K-12 years, the NAEP dilemma must end.

Note that NAEP is far from alone in sounding the alarm.  There is also the wide range of state and national tests, and even international tests such as TIMISS and PISA that have found the same concerning evidence.

It is essential to find and implement a solution. The solution must be accountable, beneficial, and demonstrative of hard-number increases.  The NAEP results are so devastatingly extreme that they can only be corrected by multi-point, even double digit, jumps from one two-year assessment to the next.

The HSe web app platform promises an innovative solution, but it must be funded.

The HSe web app process will be fully independent of our nation’s extensive, massively expensive, K-12 education machine, thus putting no additional burden on the K-12 system.

Beginning years before kindergarten, the innovative HSe web app will seek to support every young person from the time of infancy. Further, widespread use of the platform by daycare and babysitting services may become an expectation by parents.

For every young person the proprietary HSe web app process will be available throughout their K-12 journey, until the day of their high school graduation.

Access to the HSe web app platform must be free.